Early Leaving from Education and Training is defined as those between 18-24 who have only achieved an ISCED 2 or lower level of education. This strategy was developed by the Early Leaving from Education and Training Unit (ELETU) within the Ministry for Education, Youth, Research and Innovation (MEYR) and launched on 27th July 2023. The two overarching aims of the strategy link directly to strategic development goal 4 (SDG4): ‘Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’

These are:

  • Developing an early Warning system (EWS) to monitor and target ELET risk indicators,
  • Fostering a whole-school approach (WSA) to tackle ELET

These objectives are also in line with national research, policies, strategies and the European Council recommendations directly addressing the ELET ET2030 target pathways to school success.

These objectives aim to target the main ELET risk factors and are developed around three main pillars: prevention, intervention and compensation. Fifteen strategic measures were developed to enhance opportunities for students in the early years, compulsory education and post compulsory education.

For further information please click here and here.